The thing is, stress can be managed and where not possible then one needs to seek professional help.
At an individual level, how can you manage stress?
A few things you need to ask yourself. What is it about your life that could be stressing you? Is it work overload? Is it family? Is it your personal life?
What Can You Do About Stress?
Assessing what could be stressing you can be the beginning of healing. Always remember, for as long as you are human, stress to some people is inevitable. And there is definitely something you can do about it.
It has been proven to lower stress hormones such as such as cortisol. Exercise also helps release the happy hormone, endorphins. These are chemicals that improve your mood and act as natural painkillers. Who doesn’t want a dose of happiness…Journal
Talking with someone close about what you are going through can help relieve emotional tension. It’s been tried and tested
There is a method to this approach. Besides writing about the things that are making your life difficult, you are advised to also journal about the things that you are most grateful for. Is it the air you breathe? The family that cushions you from the throes of life? The work that you have? All of that constitutes gratitude. And it has been known to relieve stress and anxiety. Get on with it…
Seek Help!
Seeking professional intervention for stress is well within your reach if you need to. And there is no reason to be embarrassed about it. Counselling, psychological support is there to help you through the difficult phase brought about by stress.